Dark to Light (2015) were a self-directed, auto-ethnographic video series created for the final project for Interdisciplinary Studio Practice at University of Aberystwyth. The series of videos captured my progression through psychic material where I focused mostly on meaning-making and thinking-through-making practises.
My work in video began with the exploration of sleep as a portal into the unconscious. I created a series of videos, fluctuating between two spaces: an arts studio and the sea. The studio quickly became a space inhabited by the past, feelings of scrutiny and melancholy. The sea, recently woven into my everyday, became an omnipresent force summoning a recurrence of a shadow figure, the manifestation of the interplay of conflicting emotions, the opposites.
The subject, camera and edit, Judyta Potocka; text in the preview, C. G. Jung 1921, para. 790; other, A.U. and J. E.

Connecting the Dots or How to be Immortal (2014) a 15ft long sigil, in a form of a scroll, was a starting point of the project - a quest without a set destination. I used automatic drawing, calling to my inner Self for a type of guidance, a sense-making ability.

As the lines appeared they felt like itching cuts on my skin but as masochistic as this process was the marks left were only temporary. And all I could do was to record them as they appeared.